I have heard back from all 3 jobs I applied for an all contained the word "unfortunately". Sad times. The first rejection email I was like... it's ok it's all part of the plan. The Second rejection email I was like... sad time, but it's all part of the plan. The Third rejection email and there was just tears. I so wanted to prove that my abilities to provide for my family far outweigh tidying the house, folding laundry, entertaining small children and dethawing average dinners.
So I'm digging deep. Way deep. I went for a walk, which I totally recommend when feeling rejected, in need of inspiration and strength. It got my brain juices flowing and it got me asking the question. What dreams am I really hoping for in my career? I started really digging into that question, what do I dream of doing?
As I walked a definitely realised I want my job to be about people, about helping people make a place, about helping create HOME. I whispered a few small prayers asking God to help... I wasn't even sure what to ask, but I just kept repeating "can you help God" and slowly the help started to be defined and settled my soul.
I spoke to my hubby for encouragement and validation that I am capable and that its right I keep putting myself out there. I also shared with my best friends my struggles and again was encouraged to keep on and that I am doing the right thing by putting my best foot out there and when the right time comes the right job will be there for me.
I'm not sure what the future holds for me and my career, but I am going to keep dreaming. I am going to still hope that there is a job out there I was meant for. That there is purpose out there I am meant for. and if I can't find it... maybe I will just have to make it for myself... some how.
So to re-cap to deal with this rejection I need to:
Go for more walks
Talk to God about what scares me and frustrates me
Talk to people I trust
Keep saying my dreams out loud.
So I dream that I will help build a space of hospitality, community and home for people in my community. That this places creates beautiful spaces for life celebrations, for resting, for learning, for building, for partying. That it will grow family, community and life! I want to open my own hotel one day. A fair-trade, eco-friendly, social enterprise Hotel. A hotel that takes care of the vulnerable, provides quality service and brings people of all cultures together. I want it to be a beautiful, comfy home away from home. And this is just the start of my dreams.